Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We are grads, we are lame......

A mail from our graduate events organizer: What the?@#$%@#!$#%

Speed Dating! Wednesday, April 25th at 8pm in the Coffee House at the Old Graduate College.
Are you single and interested in meeting other single grad students? If so, give speed dating a try! Sessions will be offered for opposite sex and same sex participants. If interested, contact Tara by Tuesday, April 24th. Please indicate your gender and your sexual preference. After all of the 'mini dates' have taken place, participants are welcomed to remain in the Coffee House for a casual social gathering to further get to know others. The decision to keep in touch with one another after the Speed Dating session will be left up to the individual participants.

What is Speed Dating?
Speed Dating is an exciting, quick, non-pressured way to meet singles. In one evening, you’ll meet a variety of people, in brief, individual one-on-one conversations.

How does Speed Dating work?
A group of singles gather together in a space filled with ‘tables for two’ and each table is numbered. You will have a set amount of time (3-5 minutes) depending on the number of participants. Participants are given suggested topics and questions to help break the ice. (Questions will be provided ahead of time and at the event). At the end of the set time, the session leader rings a bell or plays music between rounds to let you know to move onto the next date. This process will continue until everyone has met each other.


Reddo! said...

what the @#$@
is this at princeton?:

bullwinkle said...

yeah man, total crap isnt it?