Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Rockefeller Tale

I was at the Rockefeller center today. I skated on ice for the first time. I had some skating practice from school days. So it was not so tough to get the hang of it. But its nothing like the normal one. Its just amazing. So the plan was to ask some girl out on a date. I and my friend were thinking if we could find some poor skate novice chic, we would try to teach her skating. Then if she'd fall down, I would hold her and ask her out on a date and also tell her that if she says no then I would let go of her and she would fall down. But as expected the plan was an utterflop. Girls in the rink either already had a guy with them, or were extremely good skaters, or were too uncool to encourage any such outrageous prank. Most of the little kids were skating better than us. Real shame. I mean the only girls who werent good skaters were very young. Well, thats when it kind of struck me that this rink actually is a metaphor for the real life. Girls are either already taken or they are too out of league or they are too uncool to be in any kind of relationship, you know! And the only girls who are not taken and cool enough to be in a relationship are too young and immature. Well, I guess the likes of me are in a fix then. :(

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